Mission Statement and Educational Outcomes Counseling and Family Therapy

Cultural sensitivitymeans organized to be sensitive to a family’s cultural roots; competent to serve culturally diverse groups; able to honor and respect culturally-related beliefs, traditions, values, interpersonal styles, attitudes, and behaviors. This article argued for a full renunciation of the binary approach adopted in literature in studying arranged marriage. In the binary approach, the arranged marriage emerges as a lesser conjugal union in comparison to the ideal and prized autonomous conjugal union.

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24 providing a lens through which the arranged marriage is evaluated. There then, is a free-choice system at one end of the spectrum, a space that cannot be shared with the arranged marriage, for that is a parent-orchestrated endeavour and parents’ ‘subtle coercion has a tainting effect on the child’s quality of choice’. 2 This will enable judging the arranged marriage on the qualities and rewards it holds for its practitioners.

The purpose of viewing boundary setting from a wider, more culturally inclusive lens is to stop making assumptions about what is “healthy” for all clients and desired by all clients and to stop promoting only the dominant culture’s perspective of boundaries. In some cultures where arranged marriages are common; there is a higher inequality between men and women. Some believe that those in arranged marriages might have a more satisfying union since they have realistic expectations and are not clouded by emotion when going into the marriage, while others believe it can lead to unhappiness and discontentment in the marriage. Many people that are in autonomous marriages look at arranged marriages as a way of force, but results have shown that many people go into arranged marriages out of their own free will. According to one study, the divorce rate was 4% for arranged marriages, while https://wwprojekt.com/filipino-families/ in the U.S., 40% of autonomous marriages end in divorce. There’s also been questions about sexual gratification; In Japan it was reported that the men in arranged marriages are more sexually satisfied, while in autonomous marriages the partners are in the middle.

Evaluation of Biased Science on the Arranged Marriage

116 Literature offers the organism, a whole or the body as a metaphor to understand hierarchical systems. 106 into which are incorporated the interests and the good of the marital agents. 91 Beyond the conjugal alliance, marriage creates alliances between a variety of family-members. 89 Marriage concerns the whole family and families are characteristically extended with extended kinship ties. 42 This is not the language of a member deeply engrained in community belonging, duty, and purpose. 13 The dissolving of the extended family into the nuclear family is also seen as a marker of modernity and progress.

It is similar to a compromise and works to respect the client’s culture of origin and needs. The flexibility may prioritize the client’s culture and empower the client to choose what is workable. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service sexy finnish women from Psychology Today. Men have long been silent and stoic about their inner lives, but there’s every reason for them to open up emotionally—and their partners are helping. With that as our glimpse into heaven and eternity, we should be moved to embrace diversity on earth, here and now. You may become more inclined to notice subtleties and nuance after spending time together. And to be aware of other people’s goodness in a way that you hadn’t been before.

Similarly, some traditional events may evoke controversy as to their meaning and whether they should celebrated at all (e.g., Columbus Day). Regardless of what side of the debate you might align with, the first and most important step is to understand the issue. This desire to analyze people in reductionist ways in order to identify internal basic, essential characteristics stripped of their social context is reflective of a Western idealistic view of people as self-reliant, behaving independent of their social milieu. Therapy sometimes is not simply about you – it can be about those who love you and who are impacted by your behavior, in which case it becomes the most compassionate thing you can engage in. So, can one person-in-therapy change things for their relationship or family?

Life-Coaching and Intercultural Relationships

45 which again only emphasize this control as a shared element, as if nothing is of any relevance other than control. Finally, the love-arranged types are embodiments of near full individual control and individual love. 30 This leads to a preoccupation in legal and policy discourse with the presence of consent and the absence of coercion in the arranged marriage. 29 If consent is present, the union is considered an arranged marriage. The heightened attention to freedom and the lack thereof highlights consent, arguably the most important legal principle the arranged marriage is expected to prove.

When To Get Marriage Counseling?

This essay suggests the use of responsive evaluation as a theoretically consistent methodology for creating and evaluating culturally responsive therapies. This approach rigorously evaluates each unique client/therapist context, culture, power, needs, and beliefs. We describe responsive evaluation and discuss how each component addresses the research needs of examining culturally responsive family therapies. A case illustration is offered delineating the process of conducting culturally responsive therapy with a Cambodian sample using solution-focused and narrative therapy.

Displaying the cultural competence behaviors of active listening, demonstrating empathy, and effective engagement is important when moving beyond tolerance. These three components will help us to create a welcoming environment and establish the appreciation of similarities and differences among cultures. Engagement should be mutually beneficial and a reciprocal learning experience in which you learn from one another. Value-laden statements making the individual the target should be avoided. Developing cultural competence is a process rather than an end point.

This theory is supported by the observed rapid drop in arranged marriages in fast growing economies of Asia. The financial benefit parents receive from their working single daughters has been cited as a reason for their growing reluctance to see their daughters marry at too early an age. A woman who refuses to go through with an arranged marriage, tries to leave an arranged marriage via divorce or is suspected of any kind of «immoral» behaviour, may be considered to have dishonored her entire family.

I have found that cultural differences do not have to lead to arguments as long as there is compromise on both sides. Inter-cultural marriages can be successful if both parties negotiate,and respect one another’s differences. But inter-faith marriages can never be successful, if at least one of the spouses is serious about his/her religion, as he/she will think himself/herself to be on the right path and will be worried that his/her spouse is one the way to destruction in the hereafter.

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